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Thursday Thoughts: Thankful


Many of you may know that Mister Bull had surgery yesterday. It was just dental work, but we opted for the surgery route instead of 4 visits where we had to convince him the needle/shot was his friend. Not to mention the sound of the grinding, holding your mouth open for what seems like an eternity, etc. We got a second opinion from a friend who is also a dentist, so we felt completely comfortable with the surgical route decision.

But, that doesn’t take away a Mom’s anxiety or stress about the situation. I did my best to hide it from Mister Bull, but truth is…I was terrified. The only “surgery” my kids have had was tubes when they were little. And that only requires a little gas to make them sleepy – 15 minutes and they’re done! The dental surgery required general anesthesia for over an hour. I was doing all I could to stay occupied so I wouldn’t totally loose it.

He came through it like a champ!! Okay…after he slept off the anesthesia, he was a champ! haha  In recovery, he was not a happy camper. He didn’t know why they had the pulse-ox on his finger (“it was annoying” him), the numbness of his lip really bothered him and the bandage they had around the IV site was driving him up the wall. But other than that – he was good! LOL  When it was time to get dressed, he was definitely ready to leave.

So, with his clothes back on and one sock on his left foot (the right foot is where his IV was and he refused to put the sock on over the bandage), he wheeled himself out in a wheelchair to the van. He did NOT want help from the nurse or me, either one. We could tell he was still under the anesthesia, but there was no persuading him. Thus, the reason I only have 2 pictures from the entire event. He wouldn’t let me take one before (plus they were ahead of schedule and just whipped him through pre-op fairly quickly) and his crankiness after prevented pictures until we were leaving.

Thankfully he slept most of the way home. We got him the shake we promised on our way home. He took a couple sips, but was pretty tired still. In the car he told us he was NOT tired and was going to stay awake. When we got home, he came in the house and went straight to bed for another hour and a half!! So glad he wasn’t tired. HAHA!! I was just happy to see him resting and not in pain. He woke up in a much better mood though, so that was nice.

Mister Mouse, Mister Bull (he’s unhappy at how many tries it took to get a decent picture), The Hubster and Miss Priss – holding the cupcakes they won in the cupcake walk

Later we went to church for a fun Fall Festival with games and some candy. We weren’t planning on going, but the kids begged us to go play on the inflatables – so we caved. They did not dress-up, but had a great time seeing their friends, cousins and playing games. All of them won cupcakes in the Cupcake Walk, so that was good. Most of their candy is packaged up and going away. I keep the suckers and a few choice items, but by and large there is very little candy in our house. This will make it much easier for Mister Bull not to be tempted by those chewy candies he can no longer have!

In preparing our kids (who get up at 7am) for Daylight Savings this weekend, we kept them up a little past their bedtimes. The girls went down 30 minutes later, but the boys stayed up and played a game with us and went down an hour and 15 minutes later. We plan to keep them up later each night in hopes that Sunday morning goes a little more smoothly and my kids are not up at 6am!!

All in all, the day was a good one. I am so THANKFUL that my little man came through surgery so well. But, I must admit 2 things: I would take the screaming babies after their tubes over his crankiness and backtalking (under anesthesia) any day, because frankly within 30 minutes they were done screaming and back to their sweet little selves, and 2) I admire those parents who have children that undergo much more serious surgeries that last hours. I don’t think I could hold up nearly as well as they do. I am blessed to have healthy children, a husband who loves and cares for us and a God who sees me through the hard times!!




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